Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Is anyone else still mad about the whole brad pitt thing?

This type of thing happens more often than not in regular average citizen life and in large celebrity life. Angelina Jolie is as much to blame. She is not the only home wrecker tho. Julia Roberts broke up a marriage to get her current husband. Britney Spears too took a man away from a pregnant woman. Helena Bonom Carter so famous for all of her rolls in the Tim Burton movies was the culprit in breaking up the marriage between Emma Thompson and Kenneth Brannaugh. Tori Spelling cheated on her husband and broke up a marriage. Claire Danes then cheated on her man with Billy Crudrop who was with Mary Louise Parker for like a really long time and left her when she was 7 months pregnant to be with Claire. The kicker is..most of the relationships don't last either. Except for Brangelina and Julia Roberts marriage to Motts er whatever his name is...most of these folks can't be faithful or keep their stuff together in a committed relationship. The most suprising one of all to me was LeAnn Rhymes constant pursuit of a married man who landed him after constant attempts by his wife to keep their marriage together. Sad really. But it happens to regular folks too. Just that we don't hear about it as much. You sympathize with Jennifer Aniston because she is so likable but the truth is...she has made her choices also by hooking up with every hollywood hunk that is thrown her direction and picking really bad movie scripts all playing pretty much the same charector in each one. I would have had more respect for her and it would have allowed her much more dignity if she had just laid low for a while...carefully picked a decent movie script and stayed single for a while before hooking up with of all people Vince Vaughn who also starred in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Sick twisted people. There is no loyalty and faithfulness. Make a movie about that...where two people incredibly drawn to one another overcome their selfish disdain for the feelings of others and make all the right choices.


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